Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Not all SPF is Created Equal

Summer is around the corner and spring is here! It's never to early or late to start carrying around your SPF. I've been a licensed Esthetician for 13 years and educating my clients on the the differences of SPF has always been my focus.

Sunblock, sunscreen, SPF 15, SPF 50, physical block, chemical block so much information it becomes overwhelming. Sun protection should be a part of your daily routine regardless of your skin tone. Lighter tones obviously need to be more concerned with sun protection but darker pigments need sun protection as well.

First I would like to begin with UVA vs UVB rays. UVA sometime referred to as the "aging rays" is the same strength all year long and penetrate through glass and clothes. UVB also known as the "burning rays" is stronger during the summer months. UVB rays do not penetrate through glass and are the main cause of skin cancers. It is my personal opinion that tanning beds should be avoided. With the increase in skin cancer by 75% why would you even risk it? Check out "dear sixteen year old me" on YouTube for a powerful video about skin cancer.

Now that we have a better understanding of Ultra Violet Rays we can move forward in talking about "chemical blocks" vs "physical blocks".

Chemical Blocks work by absorbing the energy of UV radiation before it affects the skin. These are most often referred to as sunscreens and usually contain UVB absorbing ingredients such as Avobenzone and Oxybenzone.

Physical Blocks reflect UV radiation before it reaches your skin. These are most often referred to as sunblocks and provide a broad spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide ingredients are most commonly used.

Ok so now let's talk SPF "sun protection factor"
SPF 50 is not stronger then SPF 15 but an SPF 50 does however last longer then the 15. Sun protection should be applied 20 minutes prior to exposure and reapplied throughout the day. Since 99% of us never use the correct amount of sun protection during application here is my general rule. If you apply an SPF of 50 on then make sure you reapply every hour if you plan on being outside exposed to the sun. If your using an SPF 15 then ever half hour is what I would recommend. Remember once your skin turns pink the damage is done. Sun damage isn't always visible. UV rays can alter your DNA, cause free radical damage and aging. A skin scanner can be used to see sun damage under the skin that hasn't surfaced yet. Sun damage causes hyper-pigmentation, you may seek out a Doctor or Esthetician for treatments and product to help with the damage.

I would recommend using mineral make-up since the main ingredients used are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Usually this will have at least an SPF of 15 or more. If you are using a moisturizer with an SPF remember to check the ingredients to see what is used as the block. I prefer using separate sun protection outside of my moisturizer. Skin Ceuticals makes an SPF sheer 50 with zinc oxide that absorbs in the skin no matter your skin type. If your concerned about using natural products then Coola Suncare has a full line of products to try. Shopping at natural food markets like Whole Foods also carry organic products you could purchase.

Remember that being in the sun is a good thing but we need to take extra steps for sun protection. When applying sun protection don't forget the tops of your feet, back of hands and ears. Many people are finding out they are deficient in vitamin D and the best way for the body to get that is being in the sun. The skin is the largest organ of the body and sometimes we forget that. Talk with your doctor about prescribing a vitamin D supplement.

Now that I loaded your brain with lots of information I hope that I was able to at least simplify it.

Enjoy the Summer!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What is Your Definition of Eating Healthy?

If someone were to ask you do you eat healthy most of us would say yes or could be better. I found that the definition of eating "healthy" changes with every person you ask. Some say that eating healthy is a well balanced diet with meat, fruits, veggies and grains. Others say low carb high protein. Maybe you have heard someone say they stay away from white flour and sugar. These are all ways of eating that may work for you but I believe the real meaning of eating healthy is to eat organic non-GMO foods. What's the point of eating "healthy" if your food quality is genetically modified, full of hormones and pesticides?

I find it interesting that most of Europe is in agreement that GMOs are a danger to human health. Here in the USA Monsanto seems to be winning the fight as we saw California Proposition 37 defeated. It's going to be a long fight but eventually Monsanto will be defeated as more and more people become aware of these dangers.

I am sure you have also noticed an increase in food allergies. This is another side affect of eating GMO foods. Genetically Modified Organisms are found in many ingredients such as alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, and soy. Animal products like milk, meat, eggs and honey also contain GMOs because of the contamination in feed. If your feeling overwhelmed don't panic because many companies do label Non GMOs.

Who would have thought that we would need to do research on the foods we eat? I never did but don't take my word for it, do your own research. Here is a great place to get started. http://www.nongmoproject.org/

So the next time you are out and order a grilled chicken salad will you be thinking you made the "healthy choice"? If you asked me I would say sure! Is the chicken organic free from hormones, antibiotics, GMOs? Is the lettuce organic, free of 35+ pesticides? Like I said before don't panic or drive yourself crazy. Start out small by educating yourself and you choose what "healthy" eating is best for you. Most importantly share your knowledge with family and friends. Together we can make a change.

Photo credit: foodmatters.com

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Family Traditions: Celebrate First Day of Spring

Here is a fun ritual to do with your kids every year to celebrate the first day of spring.

Paint the Rocks
One way to symbolize and celebrate the transformation from winter to spring is to color your surroundings. If its not raining grab some washable poster paints in primary colors and some big paint brushes. Pour small amounts of paint into paper cups for portability, and go paint any rocks you've got on your property. Paint pictures of flowers, write words and be creative. You might want to add favorite warm weather activities, like kite flying or bubble blowing, and mix up the season's first pitcher of lemonade.

Family Traditions inspired by Meg Cox

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Is Organic NOT in your budget?

My organic journey started 13 years ago but it wasn't until I had my daughter I put it into effect. Who knew that one day we would be researching the foods that we eat? If you buy an apple then your eating an apple, right? The way this country has changed they way we farm is why organic farming is so important. I have watched many documentaries and done my own research which is why I choose to be organic.

I remember when I started buying organic and some of my friends and family would criticize me. They would say things like "why do you buy into that and pay more, it's all the same", "we didn't eat organic foods and we are fine". At first I couldn't understand why so many people felt they needed to comment about the type of food I was buying. You don't see me running around saying " oh that's gross, how could you eat that meat full of hormones and antibiotics"? Then I got to thinking that maybe they were uneducated or embarrassed they couldn't buy organic foods for home which is why I wanted to write about this topic.

First you have to decide if investing in your health now is worth it in the long run. I personally believe that if you give your body what it needs it will thrive and do its thing. Start out small by purchasing organic milk or foods that you eat the most of in your daily diet. Before you know it each time you go to the food store you will little by little buy more. Shop places like Trader Joes they have a great selection of foods at a fair price. We live in the garden state so shop farmers markets. I would recommend red bank farmers market on Sundays at the galleria. Dean's natural food market also has items fair priced. Wegmans is my favorite place to shop for organic items because the selection is large but I can also get all my shopping done and not waste my day running around. Let's not forget about taking advantage of a sale! Blueberries are an example of something you could buy in bulk and freeze.

If you have a green thumb grow your very own organic garden but don't be surprised if you have too much to handle. The last time I had a garden we had so much food we were giving away bags of veggies. Not a bad problem to have.

If your still not sure what foods you should buy here is a list of 12 foods to eat organic. Found on the daily green "the dirty dozen". The latest list of foods with the highest pesticide residue.

* apples
* celery
* strawberry
* peaches
* spinach
* nectarines (imported)
* grapes (imported)
* sweet bell peppers
* potatoes
* blueberries
* lettuce
* kale

If your serious about wanting to make a change to organic foods start out small and do research. You won't be able to keep your kids from eating junk food but why not build the foundation and create a balance. Currently in my household my daughter and I are 80% organic and my husband 0%. Don't be discouraged if not everyone in your household is on board. Like I said little by little and lead by example. Sooner or later it might catch on.

To get you started here are some great web sites to check out. Be well!!


Monday, March 11, 2013

Taking Mommy Time

I am a firm believer in creating balance in every aspect of my life. Sounds hard but for me I keep it simple. If I eat a bag of chips at lunch then I eat an apple for a snack. If I am having a lazy weekend and spend it on the sofa then I take a day to deep clean the house. Now when it comes to mommy time that hasn't always been so easy.

August 2011 I started Organic Moms Playgroup. My intention was to create a group of moms and kids and schedule playdates. I started to realize it was difficult to really get to know any of the moms at the playdates because we were chasing around our little ones. I started scheduling wine and tea social hour for just moms at my house twice a month. It has been awesome! Some moms hang for the hour and others stay for three. Just to get out of the house on a week day night gives you that balance you need.

As women we wear many hats. When we have our mommy hat on its sometimes hard to put the ME hat back on and not feel guilty. Don't feel guilty. It's easy to take time out even if it's once a week. I would recommend leaving the house and go out. Putting the kids to bed at night and catching up on your favorite show is not mommy time, it's unwinding. Join a moms group, a walking group or anything your interested in. Meetup.com is loaded with groups in your area. Schedule time with one of your girlfriends and go shopping. A walk along the boardwalk or reading a book in the park. It doesn't matter what you do or when you do it just do it! Notice I didn't mention anything about a date night with your husband? That because this isn't about the balance between kids and realationship it's about what you are doing for yourself.

I will say it again it's about balance. We continue to give give give and you must also receive. To me mommy time means doing something you always wanted to do. So pick up that book you haven't had time to read, take that sewing class you have been talking about taking for over a year now and just DO IT!

Your kids will be glad you did.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Moving Day... 5 kids!!! Omg

Here we go it's moving day but thank god not for me, for my BF.
Imagine two sets of twins + 1 and it's already 6pm. No naps just snacks. Little by little boxes are being unpacked but just when you think you made a dent, turn around and the toddler tornado blew through.

Waiting on the moving truck for the next load. It's a ten minute break... Silence... Not for long crying bust out in one room. "She hit me, I have to pee, he isn't my friend anymore." Cry cry cry scream scream scream. Oh wait... We need to make room for the bedroom furniture. Ok here we jump up start moving stuff around again. Running running running. STOP RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!! Lol it never stops. Oh crap the twins locked themselves in the bedroom. Who has the key?

It's that time for me to head home. Cook dinner, give baby girl a bath, take a shower and get ready for mommy time.

Once upon a time, revenge then red widow. Is it 8pm yet?